AI/ML developer

CV, NLP & DL developer

Research & Development

Software development

Isabelle Eysseric


AI/ML Developer | Specialized in Computer Vision (CV), Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Deep Learning (DL).

City: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Language: French (Native), English (intermediate)


Artificial intelligence (AI) developer and master's student in AI at Laval University. I am specialized in computer vision (2D or 3D), automatic language processing and robotics.


Vision projects
Vision internship
Robotics club


Classification of bird songs by species
Signal processing
Analysis and Extraction of Spectrogram Image Information
Kaggle Competition: Birdcall Identification

Language: Python, Libraries: Pytorch, LibRosa and OpenCV, Model: CNN
See the Birdcall-identification project

Image search engine
Indexing and Search by pictorial content

Language: MATLAB, Libraries: Simulink Student Suite
See the Image-search-engine project

Recognition of Quebec road signs
Convolutional Neural Network with learning transfer

Language: Python, Libraries: PyTorch, TorchVision and PIL, Model: CNN
See the Traffic-sign-detector project

Moving object tracking
Kernel method with the particle filter approach

Language: MATLAB, Libraries: Simulink Student Suite, Vision
See the Moving-object-tracking project

Detection of vertebral anomalies
Segmentation & Image Extraction

Language: MATLAB, Libraries: Simulink Student Suite
See the Anomaly-detection project

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Computer Vision Research Assistant
Development of a semantic segmentation algorithm
Vision and digital systems laboratory (LVSN) · Laval University, Quebec, Canada May 2022 - August 2022 · 4 months (Remotly)
Jean-François Lalonde (Supervisor & Professor)

Programming language: Python, Lua
Libraries: PyTorch, Tensorflow, Keras
Skills: Secure Shell Communication Teamwork Keras TensorFlow Linux Research project Computer vision Research, analysis and synthesis of scientific articles Computer Vision Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence Project Management Python PyTorch scikit learn OpenCV
See the Computer-Vision-Research-Project.

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Expert in Computer Vision
Perception: Obstacle Detection and Recognition
Laval University Autonomous Vehicle (VAUL)
2019 - 2022 (Remotely)

Autonomous Snowplow Competition (ASC) & Canadian Automated Snow Plow Initiative (CASPI / CAVCOE)
Supervisor: (professor) François Pomerleau
Language: Python, Libraries: OpenCV, Open3D, PyntCloud
Simulator: Gazebo, Rviz
Data: Lidar and camera using Robot Operating System (ROS)
See the VAUL project

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