AI/ML developer

CV, NLP & DL developer

Research & Development

Software development

Isabelle Eysseric


AI/ML Developer | Specialized in Computer Vision (CV), Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Deep Learning (DL).

City: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Language: French (Native), English (intermediate)


Artificial intelligence (AI) developer and master's student in AI at Laval University. I am specialized in computer vision (2D or 3D), automatic language processing and robotics.


University Studies
Professionnal Experiences
School & Personnal Projects
Club & Voluntering


Master in Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence (M. Sc.)
Major in Artificial Intelligence
Laval University · Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
2023 - 2026 (Remotely)

This master's degree in computer science in the field of artificial intelligence and scientific research allows me to learn how to design, develop, implement and manage solutions using artificial intelligence techniques.

Bachelor in Computer Science (B. Sc.)
Major in Artificial Intelligence
Laval University · Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
2017 - 2022 (Remotely)

This bachelor's degree in computer science gave me a solid training in the foundations of computer science, artificial intelligence and scientific research but also in mobile robotics, project management, remote teamwork and communication. written in French and English.

Certificate in Applied Computer Science
Major in Artificial Intelligence
TELUQ University · Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
2017 - 2022 (Remotely)

This unfinished certificate in applied computer science allowed me to complete my training in artificial intelligence. It gave me skills in machine learning, computer vision, image processing, big data processing and data science mainly with R and MATLAB programming languages.

Higher Technician Certificate (DEC)
Commercial Actions and Communications
Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Nîmes, France
1999 - 2001 (On Site)

This diploma obtained in France allowed me to acquire general knowledge in the fields of management, marketing and communication in business.

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Software developer in Vision and Artificial Intelligence
Development of algorithms for automatic inspection
Numetrix Technologies · Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
January 2024 - May 2024 · 5 months (Remotly)

Programming language: Python, XML, C++
Librairies: OpenCV, Pathlib, Functools
Skills: Vision, Software development, Azure DevOps, Git/SourceTree, Confluence, Scrum

Artificial Intelligence Developer
Implementation of AI use cases
Skema Canada · Montreal, Quebec, Canada
January 2023 - July 2023 · 7 months (Hybrid)

Programming language: Python
Librairy : Orange3
Skills: Data Science, Natural Language Processing

Reinforcement Learning Research Assistant
Research and Analysis of simulators for reinforcement learning
Boreal Robotics Laboratory (NORLAB) · Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
January 2022 - April 2022 · 4 months (Remotly)
Supervisors: (Professor) François Pomerleau & (doctorant) Luc Coupal

Programming language: Python
Libraries: ROS, Docker
Skills: Reinforcement Learning, Linux, Secure Shell , GitHub/Git, Linux, Research project management, Research, analysis and synthesis of scientific articles, Robot Operating System (ROS), Robotics, Docker, Teamwork, Communication, Agile Scrum Method
See the Reinforcement-Learning-Research-Project

Computer Vision Research Assistant
Development of a semantic segmentation algorithm
Vision and digital systems laboratory (LVSN) · Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
May 2022 - August 2022 · 4 months (Remotly)
Supervisor: (professor) Jean-François Lalonde

Programming language: Python, Lua, Linux, Secure Shell
Libraries: PyTorch, Tensorflow, Keras, Scikit learn, OpenCV
Data: COCO Détection, Matterport3D, Stanford2D3D & Panoramas RGB/HDR
Models: DeepLabV3+, Mask-RNN et HoHoNet
Skills: Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Communication, Teamwork, Project Management, Research project, Analysis and Synthesis of scientific articles
See the Computer-Vision-Research-Project

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Voice cloning
Speech synthesis with conditioning

Programming language: Python
Libraries for Audio: Tacotron2, TorchAudio, LibRosa, Wave, SciPy, PyDub, IPython
Libraries for Text: TorchText, Text, SpeechRecognition, WordCloud
Libraries:: Pytorch, Torch, HuggingFace, Matplotlib, logging, Sys, OS, ...
Models: Tacotron2 and WaveGlow trained on the JLSpeech dataset
See the voice-cloning project.

Classification of bird songs by species
Signal processing
Analysis and Extraction of Spectrogram Image Information
Kaggle Competition: Birdcall Identification

Programming language: Python
Libraries: Pytorch, LibRosa and OpenCV
Model: CNN
See the Birdcall-identification project.

Image search engine
Indexing and Search by pictorial content

Programming language: MATLAB
Libraries: Simulink Student Suite
See the Image-search-engine project.

Recognition of Quebec road signs
Convolutional Neural Network with learning transfer

Programming language: Python
Libraries: PyTorch, TorchVision and PIL
Model: CNN
See the Traffic-sign-detector project.

Moving object tracking
Kernel method with the particle filter approach

Programming language: MATLAB
Libraries: Simulink Student Suite, Vision
See the Moving-object-tracking project.

Detection of vertebral anomalies
Segmentation & Image Extraction

Programming language: MATLAB
Libraries: Simulink Student Suite
See the Anomaly-detection project.

Sentiment analysis
Syntactic analysis, classification & text preprocessing

Programming language: Python
Libraries: Spacy and Scikit-Learn
See the Sentiment-analysis project.

Question/Answer System
Question analysis & Answer search in a corpus

Programming language: Python
Libraries: Spacy and Whoosh
See the Question-Answering project.

Knowledge Base System
With Rules

Programming language: Prolog
See the Systeme-Base-Connaissances project.

Graph analysis and data manipulation
Social Networks, Environment & Business Intelligence

Programming language: R
Libraries: ggplot2, e1071, cluster and igraph
See the Data-analysis project.

Massive data processing
Sentiment Analysis on Amazon Reviews

Programming language: Python, SQL, Libraries: PyMongo
See the Massive-data-processing project.

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Head of the Artificial Intelligence sector
Boreal Robotics Laboratory (NORLAB) · Laval University, Quebec, Canada
September 2019 - September 2022 · 3 years (On-site)

Skills: Project management · Leadership · Teamwork · Communication

Head of Artificial Intelligence sector
Perception: Obstacle Detection and Recognition
Laval University Autonomous Vehicle (VAUL)
2019 - 2022 (Remotely)

Autonomous Snowplow Competition (ASC) & Canadian Automated Snow Plow Initiative (CASPI / CAVCOE)
Supervisor: (professor) François Pomerleau

Programming language: Python, Libraries: OpenCV, Open3D, PyntCloud
Data: Lidar and RGB camera
Skills : Robot Operating System (ROS), Gazebo, Rviz
See the VAUL project.

Head of the "Nouveauté" Committee
Develop and organize activities for the symposium
Project Management Institute (PMI) · Montreal, Quebec, Canada
August 2017 - May 2018 · 10 months (On-site)

Skills: Project management, Leadership, Teamwork, Communication

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First Place for the Virtual Demonstration Event
2021 CASPI Student Snow Plow Competition
Issued by Canadian Automated Snow Plow Initiative · May 2021
Associated with Véhicule Autonome Université Laval (VAUL)

Winner of the Technical Paper
2021 CASPI Student Snow Plow Competition
Issued by Canadian Automated Snow Plow Initiative · May 2021
Associated with Véhicule Autonome Université Laval (VAUL)

Best Student Poster award
2021 Autonomous Snowplow Competition
Issued by The Institute of Navigation (ION) · Apr 2021
Associated with Véhicule Autonome Université Laval (VAUL)

First place - Single Team - Single-I Snowfield Overall
2021 Autonomous Snowplow Competition
Issued by The Institute of Navigation (ION) · Apr 2021
Associated with Véhicule Autonome Université Laval (VAUL)

Second place - Squad (Two Teams) - Triple-I Snowfield Overall
2021 Autonomous Snowplow Competition
Issued by The Institute of Navigation (ION) · Apr 2021
Associated with Véhicule Autonome Université Laval (VAUL)

Best Technical Paper Award
2020 Canadian Automated Snow Plow Competition
Issued by Canadian Automated Snow Plow Competition · May 2020
Associated with Véhicule Autonome Université Laval (VAUL)

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