AI/ML Developer | Specialized in Computer Vision (CV), Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Deep Learning (DL).
City: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Language: French (Native), English (intermediate)
Skills to develop machine learning systems for signal processing applications. That is to say applications concerning sounds (audio), speech (speech), biological signals, images, etc.
Signal Processing Techniques
Machine Learning for Signal Processing
Signal Processing Tasks
Signal Processing Applications
Signal Processing projects
Signal processing is a multidisciplinary field that encompasses various techniques for analyzing, modifying, and extracting information from signals.
Machine learning techniques for signal processing vastly improve analysis, classification and prediction.
Voice cloning
Speech synthesis with conditioning
Programming language: Python
Libraries for Audio: Tacotron2, TorchAudio, LibRosa, Wave, SciPy, PyDub, IPython
Libraries for Text: TorchText, Text, SpeechRecognition, WordCloud
Libraries:: Pytorch, Torch, HuggingFace, Matplotlib, logging, Sys, OS, ...
Models: Tacotron2 and WaveGlow trained on the JLSpeech dataset
See the voice-cloning project.
Classification of bird songs by species
Signal processing
Analysis and Extraction of Spectrogram Image Information
Kaggle Competition: Birdcall Identification
Programming language: Python
Libraries: Pytorch, LibRosa and OpenCV
Model: CNN
See the Birdcall-identification project.
Generate a handwritten digits
Build a generative model for handwritten digits
Analysis and Extraction of Spectrogram Image Information
Programming language: Python
Libraries: Pytorch, LibRosa and OpenCV
Models: CNN
Datasets: CNN