AI/ML developer

CV, NLP & DL developer

Research & Development

Software development

Isabelle Eysseric


AI/ML Developer | Specialized in Computer Vision (CV), Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Deep Learning (DL).

City: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Language: French (Native), English (intermediate)


Artificial intelligence (AI) developer and master's student in AI at Laval University. I am specialized in computer vision (2D or 3D), automatic language processing and robotics.


NLP projects


Applicant Selection System
Automation of candidate selection in the human resources sector.

Language: Python

Sentiment analysis
Syntactic analysis, classification & text preprocessing

Language: Python and Libraries: Spacy and Scikit-Learn
See the Sentiment-analysis project.

Question/Answer System
Question analysis & Answer search in a corpus

Language: Python, Libraries: Spacy and Whoosh
See the Question-Answering project.

Knowledge Base System
With Rules

Language: Prolog
See the Systeme-Base-Connaissances project.

Massive data processing
Sentiment Analysis on Amazon Reviews

Language: Python, SQL, Libraries: PyMongo
See the Massive-data-processing project.

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